Sunday, 19 September 2010

Smashing barriers

These two very different breeds loved breaking the last dog taboo!

A dog after my own heart

I turned my back for a second and Sashy's dog Baloo was after my cream cake. I didn't mind- there were certainly plenty more! This is a special fake fox type dog. Very sweet. More likely to maul lemon drizzle cakes than Hackney children

Sunday, 12 September 2010


This little dog was practically guarding all over Wales let alone the Spa shop we'd nipped into for our wine box and pies.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

One park stand

Lexie was the talk of the town when we took him to London Fields on Saturday. Not least because he got wet in the canal and then wet on another dog.

Before all that he looked really cute, got petted by everyone and someone even commented that they really liked the 'smiley' dog. Little do they know what an animal he really is!

Thursday, 2 September 2010


I can't remember what these dogs are called. I don't even want to know. The dog itself even looks bored by its breed.

p.s strangely there were five of these old sea dogs in this back garden but they all looked the same so not worth duplicating for the camera.


These beauties would win in a fight anyday. A best dog competition anyway. They'd probably prefer to be relaxing at home on the rug or getting groomed than brawling in the street.

p.s this is a moooovie. You can't watch it on your iphone

p.s.s these dogs are actually the pets of an unnamed Hollywood celeb. They were on The One Show the recently. I'm EVER so well connected.